Aura Cleansing and Protecting Sprays
Dowsed in tune with the Wheel of the Year to give you the right protection for the times we are in. Comprised of the finest grade of essential oil to ensure protection and cleansing to keep you safe and activated. Perfect for healers between clients, meditations and psychic people.
They come in two sizes, either a 100ml or a hand bag sized 10ml.
Bespoke Blends
In the safe and experienced hands of a qualified Aromatherapist, select up to 8 different therapeutic grade essential oils to create your very own, unique blend. I work with only the best grade of oils, using a combination of doTerra, Young Living and Neals Yard.
Either enjoy an hour smelling your way through my extensive essential oil collection, with me listening and guiding you to what you need or briefly tell me what you need or what issue or problem you are trying to solve, for example manage anxiety, spiritual protection, chakra opening.
This makes a perfect, natural alternative to perfume, meaning you not only smell divine, you feel it too.
The price can fluctuate if you choose very expensive oils like Rose or Neroli.
Refill for less, I encourage you to return with your bottle and get a discounted refill.
Please contact me direct with any questions or queries.