The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - How to get rid of Headaches and Migraines using essential oils

Physical Wellbeing - How to get rid of Headaches and Migraines using essential oils

Gift Horse

Never one to miss the gift hanging out of the horse’s mouth, this topic came up in an online group I am in and I thought I’d use the opportunity to give an informed response. Because, getting rid of headaches and migraines naturally without hardcore medication will be much kinder to your body though perhaps a little scary. This is a blog about my form of treatment, fundamental medicine, treating the root cause.


To be clear, I am talking about those headaches that transcend the ability to continue to do anything, they literally wipe you out. And, sometimes it can be for days! I always knew when my ship was going down, they followed a common path, from auras to vomiting and total wipe out in a dark room for three days!

Common Triggers

Things to consider that are causal, would be your diet (to include food and drink), your eyes, your stress levels, musculoskeletal condition, lighting and space ambience, emotional condition, spiritual connection. Let me take you through them one by one.

Food & Drink

The food and drink you choose to nourish your earthly body with is the most important consideration. Why? Because it is the fuel you are existing upon and the quality these days is seriously lacking! More and more people, especially over 40, are finding they have become intolerant to the preservatives, additives and general plasticky nature of mass produced food. I

f you wish to understand this in greater depth, which really works for those seeking to change their eating habits, I have put together a workshop on Body health. This will inform you on the basic ways your body works and which vitamins, minerals and behaviours it requires for general health.


Next up, this is probably the first consideration modern medicine will make, are you over straining your eyes. Given that your sight can suddenly or rapidly deteriorate over the age of guess what, yes that 40 again, it isn’t that obvious from the inside out. It took for my eyes to start twitching before I visited the optician and discovered my 20/20 vision had totally left the building and I’d turned into Penfold! What a difference my glasses make.


Never underestimate this insidious bitch, it comes a creeping and manifests in different ways for everyone. If you’re someone who lives in their head a lot, aka not in their body, it can get away with all manner of physical damage before you’ve noticed what’s going on; usually just as your head hits the floor ;-( Commonly in the case of migraine, it causes the muscles around your head, neck and shoulders to contract and deprive the brain of quality oxygen which bloody hurts, hence total wipeout.


If you have hurt or misplaced any of your bones, especially those in the back leading up to the head, this imbalance can create the perfect storm for a migraine. This is why developing your core strength and looking after your bones and having good posture is of utmost importance.

Personally, I can’t recommend Pilates enough. I have a degenerative condition known as Joint Hypermobility Syndrome and this form of exercise has worked wonders for my life long sore back and shoulders.


I cannot stand strip lighting, which unfortunately we had a lot of at school in the 80s, it gives me a migraine. There is something about the artificiality and the amount my lens allows in that causes this cataclysmic response. I know a lot of people find this, so make sure if you’re vulnerable to migraines you consider your lighting. Conversely, make sure it’s not so poor your actually having to strain your eyes too. Obvs natural daylight is the best, night owls take note!


You can be triggered by the space you find yourself in, depends on how sensitive you are. Some people become demented by the sounds of others chewing. I know I can’t handle busy spaces myself, the sensory overwhelm sees me shutting down. Know yourself and what keeps you well and avoid things that don’t or make reasonable adjustments.


Here I am talking to everything from unresolved emotions to panic attacks, basically anything that triggers cortisol release and therefore stress. It’s never a good idea to avoid facing your truths, they don’t disappear, they wait for you and they get darker and darker trying to force you to deal with them. Enjoy my blog on Shadow work to gain some deeper understanding of this malardy.


This really applies to those who have dormant psychic abilities they are ignoring! Spirit doesn’t like to be ignored, which is actually some part of your higher self trying to wake you up in ernst and not really as scary as it can appear.

Or, those overly connected without suitable boundaries in place. Because we’re all made of energy, as is spirit, it’s quite easy for the powerful ones to jam our energetic frequencies and cause a migraine.

Never underestimate the effect of spirit on wellbeing…

Power of Visualisation

Visualise the area of pain, breath into it and see the muscles in your back, starting from the bottom up, slowly releasing, relaxing and warming up. Trust me, the more you do this the better you will become at this and you can do all sorts of wonderful things with visualisation.

Or, listen to one of my meditations to help you to relax.

Healing Herbs

Again, this really is down to what will work for the individual and we’re all unique, read my blog on why you want herbs in your life for health and wellbeing. For migraines, I use the following herbs, Feverfew, Valerian, Peppermint, Chamomile, Vervain, Rosemary, Wood Betony, Ginger, Californian Poppy. I can sell you a herbal mix of these, though I prefer to do your chart to give a greater chance of success.

Essential Oils

This too is down to personal taste, but a good starting point is Peppermint or Rosemary. I would then move onto add in other pain relieving oils like Wintergreen. You can buy any of these from me, or I can make you up a Bespoke Oil Blend.

Your Triggers

Determining your individual trigger is the most important part of finding the right treatment. I know you would love me to wave my magic wand and give you a quick list, but I can’t do that until I read your Astrological chart and complete your full health assessment. The good news is that once I’ve done those two things, I can definitely give you a remedy that will work.

If it’s a spiritual attack/wake up, I can help with either Spiritual Counselling or introducing you to the world of magic with my Introduction to Witchcraft Workshop.

Migraine Tips

If you feel one coming along, because you haven’t seen me yet and got them under control, is to take yourself off to somewhere calm and peaceful. Ideally, get out your Migraine Essential Oil Blend and dab a drop onto the palm of your hands and dry inhale.

Sit with your elbows resting on your knees and your hands supporting your head, close your eyes and slowly take deep breaths through your nose slowly releasing through your mouth.

Next Steps

If you’d like to learn more about essential oils with you, you can either book in a course direct or buy one of my pre-recorded courses.