Physical Wellbeing - using essential oils for Sustainable Beauty and skincare
Home Made Moisturiser SPF 25+ - Treats Psoriasis, Eczema, Dry Skin, Scars, Acne
Physical Wellbeing - using essential oils for Sustainable Beauty and skincare
It’s terribly important to write this blog on the benefits of using essential oils for skincare and beauty, for women, men and children alike, they give better results than anything else at no cost to you or the environment. And, you really need to think about what you’re putting on and into your skin and body…
Toxin overload
So, why am I such an advocate for using essential oils for personal care? Because, we live in a world beset by toxins, and unfortunately for us they have made their way into our hygiene products and into our bodies.
Far from being safe, toxins are building up inside us, because we’re often inadvertently blocking their exit points ,and slowly killing us. We apparently swallow/inhale a credit cards worth of plastic a week?!
So, any opportunity to remove harmful toxins from your life and body should be taken.
The evils of anti-perspirant deodorant
Please tell me you are no longer using anti-perspirant deodorant??? Sweating is one the body’s key ways to remove toxins, if they can’t get out they get stored in fat cells and or body tissue. In my mind, and I am not alone, there is a direct link between antiperspirant deodorant and breast cancer! Don’t like your sweat smell, change your diet!
Using essential oils to create a deodorant is a fantastic way to smell amazing, whilst protecting and enhancing your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. What’s not to love! I sell these for £20 and they last for months and months.
Suntan lotion and coral reef destruction
I would hope you have also come across all the evidence that sun tan lotion is poisoning the coral reefs and creatures of the sea. Yup, what’s in that stuff that is causing so much harm?
And yet, we’re slathering ourselves and our little ones in it because we’re told to be concerned about getting nuked by the holes in the ozone layer. Which, we created with all the pollution we generate… arrgggg…the toxic circle of doom!
Ps. We absorb at least 60% of what we put on our skin directly into our bodies…. it’s porous, please never forget that because it applies to everything you touch!
There are natural ways of saying sun safe without obliterating yourself of the natural world. Combining natural ingredients like lavender essential oil, which has an SPF of 6, with extra virgin coconut oil, which has a SPF of 3 to 4, helps to build natural protection. By using this layering process, I can create natural sun protection cream with an SPF of 25+.
Toxin foot print
Thus, therefore, it’s a great idea to remove these harmful toxins, often preservatives, where ever possible. Think in terms of a carbon footprint but exchange carbon for toxin, it’s about balancing the scales because total eradication is beyond either of our scopes. Pollution is air borne…. #sadface
It’s a small world after all
What’s good news, is that because we now live in such a small world thanks to the internet, we can now use the collective intelligence of what works best. For beauty and personal care it’s a combination of ancient and modern, local and international with no cost to wellbeing.
Yes, it’s important to buy local, but there are cases where local can’t provide because of the climate and why shouldn’t we support each other’s economies on some scale.
Shea butter
A good example is Shea Butter, which comes from the Shea Tree in Africa. This is an ingredient I include in a lot of my homemade beauty recipes and recommend in my Essential Oils for Homemade Beauty Products Workshop.
I use it unrefined because I want all those rich amino acids and fatty acids healing and softening my skin, it’s a fabulous anti-inflammatory too. And yes, it does have a unique smell, but I can handle that balanced against what I’m getting out of it, and essential oils do a lot to mitigate it.
Buy it here
Homemade beauty and personal care products laid bare
When you make your own completely pure and natural beauty and personal care products there are simple tips and tricks to prolong shelf life. But, you will never be able to match the shelf life of shop bought beauty and personal care products.
But homemade beauty and personal care products made from thoroughly natural ingredients like essential oils and shea butter will deliver so much more in terms of skincare, beauty and wellbeing.
You will also save yourself an absolute fortune, getting far more beauty bang for your buck. What’s not to love about that?
There’s no limits to homemade beauty and personal care products
And finally, there really isn’t any beauty or personal care product you can’t make! And the added bonus is that these homemade beauty and personal care products often double up on what they can do for you.
A good example is my Magic Cream, you can use this as suntan lotion, after sun, moisturiser, on eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, as a hand cream, too reduce scarring, on cuts to improve healing times.
So fewer bottles and jars taking up space.!
Final word
I hope I’ve managed to convey how wonderful essential oils are for creating sustainable beauty and self care products and why they really are a no brainer for the best self care and wellbeing. And, they are not greasy either.
Essential oil for homemade beauty workshop
Learn more about using essential oils for homemade beauty and self care products in my bespoke workshop. If you’re not local or even in the UK, we can do it via Skype or Zoom, whichever medium you prefer, as I said earlier, it is a small world! Or, you can now take this as an online course on my Oily Witch Workshop Website.
Buying essential oils
The world of essential oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not.
They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest essential oils, you can buy them directly from me.
It’s always best to purchase essential oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information.