The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Understanding the Magic of the Reed Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.12

Spiritual Wellbeing - Understanding the Magic of the Reed Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.12

The Reed Moon

The reed is used to call our dearly departed ancestors to our sides whilst the veil is this thin and we are in the midst of our personal winter and shadow journeys and may need their guidance and support. So, this is a call to shake the dust from your recorders or other wind instruments and get blowing!

Ogham Alphabet for Reeds

The Reed to which I refer is the common Reed or Broom, known to the Celts as Ngetal, representing letters ‘ng’ and meaning protection.

Haunted Protection

Indeed we are under Reed’s haunting care from the 13th November until the 11th December, Reed Moon is the poster girl for the mysteries of death and keeper of secrets, the Goddess of the Underworld. Reed Moon earns her reputation from being partly submerged in mysterious and emotional water, so below, and so above, as Reed emerges pointing straight to the Heavens.

Certainly, a bed of reeds whispers and rustles her ancient stories into the wind and reminds us to listen to the ancestors whilst protecting all the wild creatures that take refuge within her.

Reed’s Spiritual Meaning

This musical slim, tall being whom can grow to 12 ft tall, grows silently and directly towards the sky, going full frontal into the unknown, with truth and courage to face any challenges. Thus, Reed Moon brings order out of chaos that lurks within our emotional selves.

The Celtic Moon month of Reed prompts you to withdraw from the outer world, undertake your personal shadow journey by looking inwards and reconnecting with the past. Magically, she demonstrates this journey by dying each Autumn and being reborn in Spring!

The Many Purposes of Reeds

Reeds, which are ready for cutting in November, have huge, strong roots that bind the soil along banks together. The roots are sugary and were once used as cattle fodder.

Their stems and leaves were woven into mats and baskets, used as writing quills, and made into whistles. Reed is often used to thatch the roofs of houses, once being representative of the protection it offered to all of Nature's creatures, whether domestic or wild.

In some cultures, they built their entire house from Reeds, a good example I’ve seen is the Uros people living on floating reed islands in lake Titicaca, Peru. And, where I live we have a small bed of Reeds to purify domestic sewage.

Celtic Provenance

As we know, the Celts roamed across the seasons, the first yellow blooms appearing on the Reeds was a sign to break camp for Spring. The Celts used Reeds for arrows because they were so straight and true.

Medicinal Uses of Reeds

Reeds have been used to treat malaria, cholera, bronchitis, gout and painful joints, in the form of a decoction. Reed oil ,created by heating the stems, was used for toothaches and the removal of parasites. A compress of Reed’s leaves can draw infected sores.

Reed’s stem is cooling, so useful for treating fevers and nausea. Reed’s roots are also good for reducing fevers , opening airways, removing toxins, calming and treating digestive disorders.

Moon Personalities for Reeds

The "new Reed mooners", which are those whose birthday falls in the first two weeks of the moon cycle, are powerful friends and enemies. They are more direct and impulsive, though this will do not compromise their positions of power or command of respect.

The “full Reed mooners”, are more subtle in their approach, and often want to move onto other things, which can undermine their purpose; this can be catastrophic for their wellbeing.

Reed people are imaginative with a clear view of complex matters, thus making them good leaders. Their weakness is jealousy, which can turn really nasty if not held under control. Reeders like total change, they can handle it, this can rub others up the wrong way. They need a sense of purpose to prevent themselves from becoming self-destructive.

Magic Reeds Protection

If you want some Reeds Protection, fashion yourself a cross from Reeds and place it over or under and entry and exit point in your home. Or in your car, a little one for the mirror.

Reed Symbols

The ruling planet for Reed is Pluto, the crystal is Jet or Black obsidian, the flower is dandelion.

Holistic wellbeing offer

In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist.