The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn about the Ivy Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.11

Magical photo by professional photographer Katie,

Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn about the Ivy Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.11

Ivy Moon

She, for she is a she, Ivy is a female plant, covers us with her protective wisdom from the 30th September until the 27th October. She is the perfect foil for Autumn, the season of the Crone and beginning of the year for witches. She is the perfect symbol of life, death and rebirth, growing in a spiral.

Ivy Fear

I used, before I knew better, to carry fear for this plant. I saw her as a vampiric, poisonous bitch. The only time I could appreciate her was when she came in Boston Red, my aunt had some glowing up the side of her holiday cottage in Scotland, glowing like Autumn Fire against the white walls.

Celtic Provenance

The Celts named this plant Gort, pronounced go-ert, so here we have “g”. They saw her as a powerful teacher, who held her hand out in friendship, offering healing and protection with tenaciousness. Indeed, when you spy her upon a tree, she has chosen it to give it her support to prolong its life, she is a giver.


She remains glowing like a green jewel through out the bareness of Winter, shinning a light through the darkness. Tolerating conditions that other’s cannot bear, taking life to impossible spaces and places, that time forgot.

Photo generously taken by Charlotte Hadlow Sykes via Chailey Chat - @CharlotteSykesHaddow

Winter Mother

She is the last plant to flower in the year, feeding a whole host of insects with her sweet nectar. A gorgeous way to pass time is to settle yourself near a flowering ivy and enjoy the cornucopia of insect life.

Photo courtesy of Aileen Osborn, West Chiltington

Folk Medicine

In ancient times, there was a strong synergy between Ivy and booze, an intoxicating ale was brewed from ivy was used to induce visions of the battlefield. Bacchus the God of Wine, aka Dionysos, wore a crown of Ivy and vines, as it was considered protection against alcohol intoxication! An infusion of Ivy leaves was considered a hang over cure, according to Nicholas Culpepper (1653 - Complete Herbal).

Ivy was also recommended for use on eye troubles, burns, cradle cap and sunburn. It gives pain relief, especially with heavy periods and diuretic therapeutic action.

Emotional Message

Dear Ivy is ruled by Saturn, so it’s useful to use this moon to appreciate that being held back helps us to hone our talents. Someone who can appear to be your enemy is in fact your teacher, they’re helping you to grow, you just need to grab your balls and meet the challenge.

This moon is preparation for receiving what you need at precisely the right time, you just need to trust….

Ivy Moon Magic

Spells and rituals should focus on creating energy, protection and inner strength.

If you wish to set up some home protection, this is a great way of keeping those negative souls away, try this quick win.

Carve symbols for the Sun, a pentacle in a circle for protection and a Trinity Knot into a black candle; use your magic knife (if you have one) I’ve suggested those three as they are simple to draw, by all means go all out and carve the Tree of Life, or anything that means something to you. Then take a photo and share it with me.

Surround it by 3 branches of Ivy, ask it to protect your home, give you strength and resilience to face the shadows. I like to write my wishes on a small piece of magic paper, aka silver birch bark or vellum, and burn them with the candle.

Magical photo by professional photographer Katie,

Once it has burned down, take the 3 branches of Ivy and tie them together and hang them near the main point of entry and exit to your house.

If you struggle to do that, just hide a leaf in each room. Or really go to town and grow it around your main point of entry and exit to your home.

If you’re looking for alternative, unique gifts for any up and coming brides, sew an ivy leaf into a small pocket of white linen and give this to a bride to slip into the hem of her wedding dress for luck.

If you are prone to or fearful of driving accidents, put an Ivy leaf in your car. I can barely get in my car for all the Ivy ;-D


I hope you’re feeling a lot of love for dear Ivy, she is an important magic sister. As is always the case, things are never just what they seem, it’s worth looking deeper.

Holistic wellbeing offer

In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist.

Magical photo by professional photographer Katie,