The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn about the Hazel Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.9

Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn about the Hazel Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.9

The Hazel

Our native Corylus, one of the oldest trees in Britain, rules the moon from the 5th August until the 1st September, have you noticed her in full flow? To me, she seems to be everywhere, whether in her contorted self or in her family clumps.

Recognise her Features

She is often coppiced, but when left alone, can reach a height of 12m and live for up to 80 years. If she is managed, she can live for several hundred years, very interesting given that we normally presume our intervention is detrimental to nature.

She is smooth, with a grey-brown, bark, which peels with age and is bendy with hairy stems. Her leaf buds are oval, blunt and hairy.


Right now, her young nuts are worth spying, glowing pearlescent white nestled in their verdant calyx, protected by her soft downy leaves. They will be ready and ripe, brown, in September. A plentiful year is a sign of prosperity and abundance.

Sadly, the Hazelnut Dormice, who live in Southern England and are dependent on the nuts, are in decline.


This tree is a little bit boy and a little bit girl, technically referred to as monoecious. She/he/it/they have flowers of both sexes but does need pollen from other Hazel’s to reproduce.

The glorious catkins are male and yellow, heralding the advent of Spring, and the female flowers are tiny and little red bud-lets.

Celtic Ogham

This ninth moon is the ninth letter “C’, known to the Celts as “Coll” . Hazel, associated with Goddess Brigid, represents the life force within us. Have you noticed that the air surrounding her/him/it/they is magically charged, do you feel exhilarated and inspired. She is famed for endowing poetic creativity, so if you’re feeling “stuck” get yourself beneath her bough or surround yourself with her wood.

Magical Intention

This tree is all about wisdom and protection, indeed my wand is fashioned from contorted Hazel, the perfect conduit for white magic and healing. And, if you happen to find yourself in a Blair Witch type experience, draw a circle using Hazel to protect yourself from evil spirits. It is believed that if you fashion a crown from her branches, place it upon your head and make a wish, it will come true, so perhaps do this too.


Hazel is very effective for divining for underground water sources and finding lost treasure. This tree enhances intuition, so tune into yours.


Traditional folk lore recommends leaving Hazel on your window sills to protect you from lightening and driving pins of her into the walls of your house to protect you from fire.


Hazelnuts, enjoyed by many in their raw form, are a good source of Vitamin E rich oil, and when ground create a high protein flour. They are also rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Hazelnut milk is now a popular alternative to cows milk.

You can use the oil for its gentle action against threadworm or pinworm in babies and young people.

The leaves and bark have astringent, diaphoretic and febrifuge properties. In plain english, this means they are good for bringing on sweats and therefore reducing fevers.

If you have a cold or catarrh, Pliny recommended crushing the nuts and leaves to make a tea. I’d recommend adding honey to this little brew.

Whereas Culpepper recommended putting the nuts and shells into a warm poultice to treat rheumatism.

It may be worth trying a tea from the crushed nuts and leaves to relieve a cough or catarrh - as mentioned in Pliny's Natural History.

A warm poultice of the nuts and shells has also been recommended by Culpepper as a remedy for rheumatism.

*Random Information: You can use a whole nut to polish and oil wood.

Born under a Hazel Moon

Your element is Air, your planet communicating Mercury, making your best day Wednesdays. You are able to convey your ideas and translate those of others wisely. Your stones are Topaz or Pearls, your bird a crane and your colour orange.

You are extraordinary, charming, understanding and humanitarian. You can be a moody and capricious lover and partner. You have a precise sense of judgement.

Making the most of this Moon

This is the perfect time to put your focus on wisdom and knowledge, whether it simply be your attention, magical workings or dream journeys. Crack on with the Ayushka and or Cacao ceremonies!

If you wish to source underground springs, this is a good time to divine.

Or, if you have lost something, make up a Hazel dowsing rod and track it down.

If you’re a creative being, this is the month to get your muse back and get manifesting. Use the charcoal made from Hazel for your musings to imbue them with her magic.

Holistic wellbeing offer

In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist.