The Oily Witch

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Rediscovering the Spiritual Essence of Winter Solstice: Unraveling the Original Christmas Celebration

Rediscovering the Spiritual Essence of Winter Solstice: Unraveling the Original Christmas Celebration

Introduction: Embark on a journey to rediscover the true essence of Winter Solstice, the original celebration that has been overshadowed by the commercialized chaos of modern Christmas. This blog aims to debunk the myths surrounding seasonal festivities, guiding you toward a more spiritually enriching experience while shedding light on the confused history behind it all.

Decadence Overload: The current state of Christmas, with its extravagant materialism and chaotic gatherings, has left many feeling disenchanted. This festival has deviated light-years away from its origins, becoming a realm of tear-jerking advertisements and forced family reunions, not to mention the flood of fake Santas causing confusion among the little ones.

Ancient Roots: Before the supposed birth of JC, ancient celebrations during this time were deeply rooted in celestial significance, far removed from the glossy veneer of a John Lewis Ad. These celebrations marked the earth's transition from darkness to the light of the sun, symbolizing hope for new life.

Winter Solstice - The Sun's Birth: Observed between the 20th and 23rd of December, Winter Solstice, or Yule, signifies the birth of the Sun in the spiritual realm. The Goddess, once again, becomes the Great Mother, giving birth to the new Sun King. The festivities span 12 days, promoting rest, reflection, and the celebration of nature's reawakening and our personal rebirth.

Modern Divergence: Contrary to the quiet reflection and introspection inherent in a true Winter Solstice celebration, our modern Christmas has evolved into an exhausting, booze-soaked social whirlwind. The natural desire to snuggle up and hibernate is often overridden by societal expectations, disrupting our natural rhythms and cycles.

Historical Controversies: The Winter Solstice was initially shunned by the Church as a Pagan festival until 440 years after Christ's supposed death. Pope Julius I strategically chose December 25th to absorb the pagan Saturnalia festival, intertwining the concepts of the sun (Mother Nature) and the son (God).

Reincarnations and Transformations: The 25th of December held significance for various ancient cultures, including the celebration of the Roman sun god Sol Invictus, the Persian Sun God Mithras, and the Scandinavian honoring of Odin and Thor. Christmas faced fluctuations in popularity until its revival in the 19th century, influenced by writers like Charles Dickens.

Symbolism in Nature: Delve into the symbolic meanings of magical mistletoe, protective holly, and the significance of evergreens like ivy. Yew trees, associated with regeneration and rebirth, were considered the tree of life in ritual spaces.

History of Christmas Trees and Candles: Explore the historical roots of Christmas trees and the symbolic use of candles, representing light and fire during the Yule season.

Choosing Your Celebration: Offering alternatives for those seeking a more authentic experience, whether embracing Winter Solstice, adopting a Victorian Christmas spirit, or reveling in the gaudy debauchery of modern times.

Essential Oils and Workshops: Find guidance on essential oils for spiritual protection and discover the importance of choosing pure oils. Explore workshops that delve into the world of essential oils and witchcraft, providing valuable insights for those looking to deepen their understanding.