The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the Autumn Equinox celebration Mabon

Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the Autumn Equinox celebration Mabon

The 2nd Equinox

Witches prepare for Autumn Equinox, the second of the annual equinoxes and second of the harvest festivals.

This is the time to respect the impending darkness of winter whilst giving thanks to the sunlight of fading summer, this celebration is about the balance between light and dark. You moving from Yang to Yin, outwards to inwards.

You need an attitude of gratitude for all the good you've experienced, and to appreciate all the wisdom you've gained, letting go of any pain that some of that learning created. For growth usually involves pain doesn't it.... nothing worth having comes for free!

Sun Phases

Ps. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but sabbats are celebrations of the sun phases. This one is called Mabon by modern Pagans, named after the God of Welsh mythology. He is the Child of Light and the son of the Earth Mother Goddess, Modron.

Green Man Festival

For the Druids, it's Mea’n Fo’mhair, what a tongue twister! This is their homage to the Green Man, aka the God of the Forest, and this lovely crowd offer drinks of ciders, wines, herbs and fertilisers to trees.

Tree Festival

As we all know, our trees are lonely because so few of us talk to them or take the time to thank and appreciate them for all that they do for us. Check out my blogs on the Celtic Tree Moons to understand more on our native trees. So, if I could urge you to take 5 and do a little of this, which is pretty quick and easy, Mother N and I would be deeply grateful.

Exact Timing

Astrologically, in 2023 this will occur on the 23nd September at 07.49 GMT and is a mega gateway, but you can tree love at any point you wish between the 21st and 23rd. At this point in time, the sun will shine directly upon the equator, before it continues its journey north or south depending on your hemisphere.

Longer Nights

Nights are getting longer, as the North Pole tilts away from the sun, and summer is over and autumn has begun. If you're not living in spiritual tune with nature, this gradual descent into darkness and winter, can fill your soul with dread. The diminishing daylight, the seeping creeping cold, waking and returning home in burgeoning darkness. What's to celebrate????

My Witchy Guidance

But here, and why I write these witchy blogs for you, is a time to understand the greater picture and how to make it work for you... Besides, there shouldn't be a time of year you despise or fear, each season has its magnificence and purpose. It's all about syncing and harmonising with Mother Nature's cycle.

The Cycle of Life

So here with the basics, life is as cyclical as the seasons and thus sabbats. EVERYTHING that lives, dies and is reborn, read my blog on the Journey of the Souls if you struggle with that. 

We are the universe, we are all made of stars (nice one Moby), and so recognising that connection helps to facilitate a smoother path through life. Therefore, winter is the time we must spiritually descend into ourselves, do some deep thinking and repair work, requiring early nights and time to just 'be' and process.

So, that we can be re-born in spring, fuller and more complete than we were before, not carrying anything harmful within us.

Face Your Darkness

In order to discover the light, you must first face the darkness within! This is especially useful for those afflicted with panic attacks, instead of running and refusing to look, stop, face and acknowledge what's chasing the fear in you.

I find it most useful to keep a pen and paper by the bed for those 3am wake ups, to scribe it all down with no restrictions in all its gory detail; no matter how trivial the mind may later view them!

Healing Herbs

Herbs that will help ease you into the colder clime include Rosemary, excellent for circulation, memory, invigorating, cleansing and focussing.

Wild nettles, in tea, soups, risottos, stews, can't be beaten for their prowess with arthritis and achy joints; read my blog on this for more... Cinnamon, ginger and clove for inner warming, to be diffused or consumed. 

Thus, it is on the autumnal equinox, that this stage of inner preparation for enlightenment can begin. DO NOT let the darkness bring you down, welcome its nurturing peace.

Holistic wellbeing offer

In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist.

Essential Oil Guidance

For this, I refer you to my blog on Oils for Spiritual Protection.