The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the forgotten Witch's Sabbat Lammas aka Lughnasadh

Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the forgotten Witch's Sabbat Lammas aka Lughnasadh

1st August Celebration

Soon it will be our 1st August sabbat celebration Witches! A special one for me, as upon which my son was conceived. Also, my father in law's birthday, but I haven't shared that special detail with him...#awkward 

Midpoint Festival

Celestially, this festival marks the midpoint between the longest day of the year, aka Litha/ Summer Solstice, and the days and nights being of equal length, aka Mabon/Autumn Equinox.

Lammas Bread

This sabbat is known to the English as Lammas, because as the Sun gently fades away, we celebrate its demise by culling the corn/wheat, and making Lammas bread; Anglo-Saxon hlaf-mas, "loaf-mass.

Or, for those without a field to harvest, a shopping trip for some bread flour and a dusting off of the bread machine.

Gluten Free = Corn Dolly

We make this bread to symbolise the full circle of the harvest, we consume it to keep the Grain God alive within us. Yes, I am telling you that for the sake of the old ways, you can eat and enjoy bread! Tho, being gluten free myself, I tend to stick to making a corn dolly!

These little dolls, far from belonging in a horror movie, also represent the spirit of the corn. You can either burn them to release protection for the next harvest, or keep them around until Imbolc for protection.

Manifestation of Re-Birth

They are the manifestation of the transitional changes the Goddess, aka Mother Nature, goes through in her unceasing cycle; Maiden, Mother, Crone. By making one, it represents her re-birth and this persistent cycle of life.

Focus Intention on Evaluating Your Year

If you decide to go down this track, as you make your dolly, focus your thoughts on evaluating your year. Have your Spring Equinox intentions come to fruition? Are there any changes you need to make as you face impending winter?

With witchcraft, it's all about channelling your thoughts, which is your energy, into whatever you are crafting to capture your intentions.


For the Celts, this sabbat is known in Gaelic as Lughnasadh or Lughnasa (/ˈluːnəsə/ LOO-nə-sə). Lughnasadh is mentioned in some of the earliest Irish literature and has pagan origins, named after the god Lugh. 

Death Feast

And, this was both a death feast and an athletic competition, in commemoration of the death of his mother, as a result of the exhaustion caused by clearing all the fields in preparation for agriculture.

Celtic Olympic Games

The funeral games side of things, much like the ancient Olympic Games, included ritual athletic and sporting contests, horse racing, music, storytelling, trading, proclaiming laws and settling legal disputes, drawing-up contracts, and matchmaking.

Celtic Feasting

The feast side of things, saw bread making, bilberry (blueberry) consumption and of course, the usual ritualistic bull slaying to feed everyone. It was widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. 

Modern Name

In Modern Irish it is called Lúnasa, in Scottish Gaelic Lùnastal, and in Manx Luanistyn, which is more about the name of the month than ritualistic bull slaying. And, there are still many festivals occurring in Ireland whose roots are steeped in these traditions.

Taking Stock

Traditionally, it would be a chance to look ahead to the winter months and see what supplies could be harvested to sustain families over the cold half of the year.

Summer's Pre-Harvest

This event would be a pre-harvest celebration, the night before 6 weeks of hard graft began and why we have our Summer holidays now!

Though, in reality it would actually occur when the grain was ready, not when the calendar said so!

Witchcraft Guidance

If you're creating an Altar to undertake some 'witchcraft', decorate it with corn, oats, poppies and other greenery that is around. Burn beeswax candles, a product sacrificed by the bees from their home to give you light.

Perfect time for Hand fasting Ceremonies

If you're planning a Hand fasting, this is an auspicious time to hold it.

Accessible Witchcraft

If you're looking for low level spiritual connection, get your body into nature and hug a tree or pick some blackberries to make jam or eat a load of blueberries.

The Witchcraft Rules

Witchcraft is known as that which cannot be told, this has two connotations, the first relating to its heretical provenance, and the latter in that there are no hard and fast doctrines to adhere too.

Witchcraft is a spiritual religion based on a deep connection to nature, how you go about making and protecting that, is entirely personal choice.

Essential Oil Guidance

For this, I refer you to my blog on Oils for Spiritual Protection.

Buying Essential Oils

The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are precious medicine, extremely versatile, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest Essential Oils, you can buy them directly from my shop.

It’s always best to purchase Essential Oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information. 

Holistic wellbeing offer

In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist.