The Oily Witch

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Mental Wellbeing - How to cope with Depression naturally

Mental Wellbeing - How to cope with Depression naturally

Welcome to Fight Club, the 1st rule is...There are no rules!

Not alone in this club

I kinda don’t want to write this, because I feel that these days I’m always full of the doom of my struggles just to survive. But I’ve never been one to dress it up, so why start now! And besides, I know I’m not alone, enough of you tell me you’re up to your eyeballs too.

So, sit back and listen to my shit instead, and who knows by the end of this you may feel better about your shit and learn how to cope with depression.


And, if you don’t like ‘foul’ language, switch off now please because I’m letting rip to represent the massive hole that this is ripping in my proverbial arsehole! (Actually, this may not get past some of your naughty word filters at work!)

Socially acceptable depression

Apparently, I am flying this low to the ground because I’m still officially grieving, which I am not denying. And, there is some relief in that, it makes it more socially acceptable, more palatable. Because naked, unfettered depression sparks really fear in people.

Depression’s familiarity

However, this is a familiar space for me and just feels once again adorned an uncomfortable, hair coat that smells of wet dog; the latter being my worse nightmare!  And yes, it’s not so much an oily snake these days, like it was in the depths of my menopause transition. Perhaps a sign of progression? Or, maybe I’m just channelling Winston Churchill?!

Easier to hide away

It’s far easier to hide away socially when you’re depressed because it’s very challenging to continue to relay these morose emotions. Especially difficult when the origins are from far too many places and it takes so long to trot them all out.

Recovering from depression takes a long time

Close friends and family tend to know what’s ailing you, nothing’s changed, it can just takes a really long time to get off your back and upright again.

So, sounding like a broken record is just more belly-ache, social silence is a safer option. Besides, it’s always much easier to confess the return of my malingering physical ailment than a mental one, it’s easier for everyone to acknowledge.

I don’t want your pity

And, I do not seek pity in all this, empathy yes, sympathy no!  When you’re in this puddle you don’t want anyone to join you, that’s far too much responsibility that you haven’t asked for! Mentally you just don’t have the capacity for anything extra…

Trapped in your own mind

Depression traps you in your own mind. Which, for most of us is pure torture and why I’ve invest money in all kinds of therapy. Therapy makes it a thousand times more comfortable and you get to light up the end of your own tunnel. For long term success you do need to rescue yourself but it’s easier with someone there to support you.

Menopause anxiety

This isn’t something I expected when I hit menopause, a large portion of anxiety. It really took my menopause to new levels of depravity. Menopausal anxiety is only now getting a modicum of societal acceptability and understanding. I’ve never really suffered from anxiety, anger yes, panic no. Now, I possess an entire wardrobe of anxieties, my mind gets blown over the smallest of fret and I feel like a misfiring C-3P0/Stepford Wife hybrid.

Depression is self perpetuating

I do wonder if it’s because I’m flying so low, with barely any fuel to clear obstacles, that anything and everything appears like a vertical mountain I need to traverse. Like a self-perpetuating cycle of crap! Because mind feeds into body and soul and vice versa, it’s more chicken and egg that most of us realise.

Emergency room thinking

One of my more recent therapists compared my thought process to a hospital emergency department rather than a Buddhist temple!

This not only takes a ridiculous amount of my diminished fuel supply, aka physical toll, it means I sometimes live in “over reaction ville?!” WTF…

PSD gift

This twisted thought processing is a PSD gift from my childhood. Less zen and more round the bend!! Makes me think of that Beano cartoon, the Numbskulls! Any why does my ailing, useless memory not fail with any of this traumatic shit? #TwistedArse

Dressing my way out of depression

I mitigate my menopausal ageing by brightening up my wardrobe and regularly shaving an undercut. My hEDS (Hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) means I now have to wear ‘special’ shoes, I change up some of that misery by wearing funky ones special shoes!

Of course, I am looking out from inside, so I don’t consider what on earth all this brightness looks like at 8.30am on the school run!

Dressing in colour makes you feel better

I am not trying to stand out, my point is to make myself feel better by using colour. Yes this is more difficult when you’re depressed, dealing with all the looks can be a triggering, so I do keep really soft velvety clothes for the worst days.

Short cut out of depression?

There is a well known short cut out of this shit, antidepressants, that’s what the doctor will prescribe. Yes, they can really work for some, they’re a life line if you’ve left it too long and become totally gridlocked in depression.

Natural ways to treat depression

However, there are some excellent natural ways to treat depression. For instance, seriously boosting your vitamin B3 intake. I am talking taking thousands of milligrams a day, well beyond the recommended daily allowance.

Using essential oils for depression is very effective, just a quick sniff hit of the right essential oils here and there and hey presto you’re in a better place all around. Essential oils treat wellbeing on three level, mental, physical and spiritual.

Let’s not overlook herbal teas, just drinking a lovely warm cup of the right herbs is akin to giving yourself a loving hug.

Why I go natural when treating my depression

I’m up for ‘au natural’ these days and don’t believe that spending my life on and off antidepressants is good for my physical and mental wellbeing. They never solve the problem, just kind of numb it and I am all about treating the source so it buggers off permanently.

Antidepressant side effects

Besides, antidepressants make my totally shady memory virtually non-existent. I forget too much these days, conversations, past experiences, items on the shopping list, where I put the keys, people’s names, what I’ve even previously written or said. All significantly enhanced by menopause and topped up by hEDS!

Additionally, they give me a generous helping of “who gives a fuck”, a lethal combination socially. This always starts out very ‘freeing’, but after time, lands up being 50 shades of shit.  Because, unless you’re constantly wearing a large badge highlighting this clusterfuck, everyone lands up thinking you’re an arsehole and you lose all your friends, which is totally counter-intuitive!

Old school writing it down

I’ve found great personal wisdom and relief in writing down my thoughts and feeling when depressed. I came across my old school fountain pen and filled it with orange ink?! Who knew you could get rainbow coloured ink these days? It’s much more enjoyable to pour out misery in bright orange. Put some ceremony around these depressive utterings made them feel validated and accepted. It’s the small things that help…

Final word

I hope you’ve found some worth and company in my words and they make a difference to how you cope with depression. Do get in touch if you’d like to try tackling your depression naturally, I recommend a Bespoke Wellbeing Consultation. From this, I can them prescribe essential oils, vitamin therapy and herbs.