The Oily Witch

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The nutritional benefits of acorns

The Clock is Ticking

I need to get this out to you ASAP, so you have a chance to gather as many acorns are you can get your hands on, and also plant some for the future trees.

They keep in their shells for up to 15 years!!!!!!

*A good growing tip: throw them into the centre of Bramble bushes, which are regarded as Oak mothers because they protect them from deer.

Green Magic

The leaves on an Oak carry phosphates, meaning they nourish the earth onto which they fall, creating an autumnal blanket. Their acorns, bringing new life to the woods.

A perfect foil for Samhain’s message of death and rebirth.

Generous, Wise Provider

This is a mast year, meaning there is an abundance and this is unlikely to be the case next year. The trees and plants know when we need their help the most.

Strong Affinity

I’ve always held a strong affiliation to the might Oak, even before I discovered I was born under an Oak Moon, that just suddenly made sense of my deep love. It’s no wonder I have an Oak Crone Throne.

Perhaps you feel this about your own tree moon? Check here to read my ramblings about Oak and the other Tree Moons.

Lost Knowledge

When I see our native trees resplendent with their fruits, which I am crushing under my feet as I walk beneath their boughs, it breaks my little green heart when I intuit that I should know what to do with these magical gifts but don’t!

Oak Facts

This native beauty, has the hardest heart of them all, thus crowning it the builders’ dream material. This forest king grows slowly, taking 500 years to mature and 500 years to enjoy, survey and protect. This emblem of family, hosts up to 2300 total species, including 38 bird species, 229 bryophytes, 108 fungi, 1178 invertebrates, 716 lichens and 31 mammals. (source)

Heart Break

So, when I see this, part of me dies inside!

Had to stop my car, cry and speak to these guys for a while, trying to soothe their shock and pain.

Since Time Began

Acorns have been a valued food source for millennia, they fell out of favour when wheat was introduced, which was seen as quicker and easier to process.

Snobbery was attached to those who continued to imbibe this super food, they were regarded as lower class, for acorns were only good enough for pigs?!

When will we stop being swayed from out natural instincts by the greed of others!

Bad Rep

Most people think you can’t eat acorns, the hype was that they contained dangerous levels of tannins. Which, if you have high amounts can cause damage because they stop your body being able to absorb essential nutrients from food.

Obviously, the knock on affects of not being able to take on vital nutrients are easy to comprehend, as well as the processing fall out on your kidneys and liver.

Nb. Wine also carries tannins, which is why when you’ve had too much your skin can feel a little too Joan Rivers!

Bitter Reality

However, this is addressed in the processing of acorns, tannins are super bitter so it’s easy to tell when you’ve leached them away. So our ancestors didn’t need any clever gadgets to work out the obvious.

And, interestingly, no studies exist to show the impact of eating raw acorns on human beings…..#curious

Acorn Superfood

This is why you want acorns in your life! They are a wonderful, indigenous whole food, which is free!!!!

Acorn Truffles - yes there is such a thing!

Though the exact nutrient profile depends on the species of acorn, all are packed with essential nutrients. (source)

Acorns are especially high in potassium, iron, vitamins A and E, and several other important minerals (8Trusted Source). Great bone health for those of us afflicted with osteo issues.

Plus, these nuts are low in calories. Most of their calories come in the form of healthy unsaturated fats (9). = no fat arse ;-D And, they are slow releasing, giving lasting energy.

A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of dried acorns contains the following nutrients (110Trusted Source11Trusted Source):

  • Calories: 144

  • Protein: 2 grams

  • Fat: 9 grams

  • Carbs: 15 grams

  • Fiber: 4 grams

  • Vitamin A: 44% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)

  • Vitamin E: 20% of the RDI

  • Iron: 19% of the RDI

  • Manganese: 19% of the RDI

  • Potassium: 12% of the RDI

  • Vitamin B6: 10% of the RDI

  • Folate: 8% of the RDI

Scientists have also identified over 60 beneficial plant compounds in acorns, including catechins, resveratrol, quercetin, and gallic acid — potent antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage (1).

These antioxidants are linked to numerous health benefits, such as a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (12Trusted Source13).

They are particularly good for those of us experiencing digestive disorders like IBS, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhoea.

Olde Medicinal Uses

The entire tree was made use of, much value was given to its astringent properties. Which, are exactly what you need for skin complaints, wound care, burns, mouth diseases and much more.

Acorn Flour Cold Leaching

The Oak Galls, created by a tiny little parasitic wasp, only added to the medicinal uses for this tree. From treating mouth diseases, infected eyes and ears, toothache, stomach disorders, dysentery, rashes, abscesses, skin ailments and burns, swollen spleens and regulating menses.

Inky Prowess

And, let’s not forget ink! We have records dating back as far as Pliny, #AD 23 - 79, using Oak Gall ink in his manuscripts. I’d be happy to place a bet that usage predates him by a long way.

Another lovely example of the enduring nature of Oak.

Survival Tip

If you happen to find yourself lost in the woods and feel the urge to clean your teeth, find an Oak and kindly request permission to remove a twig. Bite down on the end until it is frayed and then use it to clean your teeth!

No need for bad breath when Prince Charming happens upon you.