The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - Using essential oils for Weight Management

Physical Wellbeing - Using essential oils for Weight Management

The Fat Zone

If, you are like me, middle-aged with a body ravaged by childbirth in the throes of menopause - gosh doesn't that sounds oh so "frickin wonderbar" - you might be carrying some unwelcome flab in the zone between your knees and boobs.... Basically, over a third of your body? 

Or, maybe you want to stop coping with the stresses and strains of survival in our world, with chocolate, crisps and or wine?

Or, perhaps you've had an operation where recovery has limited your mobility and those pounds have piled on?

Whatever your reasons, this could be the Essential Oil for you...

It's 100% natural, calorie free, makes you feel good, whilst boosting your metabolism in a healthy way. I know from my personal research, that the market is flooded with weight loss products relying heavily on stimulating your poor digestive system beyond comfort and tying you to the toilet. Shit in every way, potentially damaging and socially catastrophic.

With all my personal health blights, I can only go 'au natural' with weight loss.

What is zis magic of Smart and Sassy?

So, what magic does this little bottle of essential oil contain that makes it so successful and delicious? Yes it tastes really good!

Some of the ingredients will be familiar to you, if you've weight loss form, especially if you've investigated the natural approach.

Grapefruit essential oil

First up, we have Grapefruit essential oil, this is the number one power in weight loss plan. She naturally increases your energy levels and metabolism, plus helps curb your sugar cravings.

Grapefruit essential oil is a natural detoxification agent, supporting the liver to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Whilst activating your lymphatic system and controlling fluid retention.

However, you can use her if you are on any blood pressure or heart medication.

Lemon essential oil

Next up is Lemon essential oil, I've already blogged about the wonders of Luscious Lemon, which has had to be hidden for now but may reappear soon as I tire of being told what to do!

One of lemon essential oil weight reductions gifts is the high levels of pectin shenholds. Gelatinous pectin, homemade jam makers delight, works by absorbing water and expanding, distending the stomach and triggering stretch receptors.

These receptors then tell your brain your stomach is full, so it releases the hormones to make you feel satiated. Not only that, this marvel slows digestion down, which makes you feel fuller for longer.

Additionally, lemon essential oil also contains d-limonene, which is known to help support your metabolism and cleanse your lymphatic glands. These little pea sized nodules are home to your white blood cells, which are your immune system army...fairly fundamental!

I recommend you use lemon oil everyday...because why wouldn't you?

Peppermint essential oil

Next up, we have peppermint essential oil, which I refer to in this blog on Minty the Coolest of Bitches.

This fresh lady, just simply removes or reduces your hunger and yes please! 

Her freshness, alleviates diet induced brain fog and gets your brain to release your endurance chemicals, allowing you to max out your workout.

Her minty-ness will help you to digest like a dream by stimulating your intestines and dissolving your stomach bulging noxious gases.

She also stimulates your flow of bile, so anything you do consume will be dispatched quickly through your body with little time to stick around and convert into fat...

Ginger essential oil

Then there's Ginger Root essential oil, the 2nd best weight reducer, this warming little number contains compounds to boost your intestines ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. She also curbs your sugar cravings and is excellent for stopping feelings of sickness.

Cinnamon bark oil

And finally, we have Cinnamon Bark essential oil, number 3 in the weight reduction line up.

This potent lady, helps to stabilise your blood sugar and insulin release, keeping those sugar cravings in check and stops you stuffing your face... Handy and vital at 1am, after a heavy nights drinking perhaps? Shout out to those with diabetes, this is the essential oil you may want to look into.

On their own, each of these oily ladies is a mine of wealthy, healthy support, BUT combined they are a force majeure!

How to do use Smart and Sassy essential oil

So, how can you use Slim and Sassy essential oil.? You can add smart and sassy essential oil blend to water and drink it, when you have a craving or before meals to curb your desires to over eat; dilute 4 drops in 4fl.oz of liquid.

I put it in my water bottle and swig at it all day. 

Try to stick with using water, its calorie free and really the best possible thing in the world to drink, health-wise, and it won't distract the essential oils from doing their job.

You can put a couple of drops in your carrier oil and rub it into your flabby bits, it has cellulite reducing properties!!!! I'd say it removes it, but this will depend on how much you've got and your body type etc. No wild claims here!

And, there is even a bath detox option, 2 cups Epsom salt, 1 cup baking soda, 10 drops slim and sassy essential oil blend (mix the oil with Epsom salts so it doesn’t float to the top) and soak for 20+ minutes 2-3 times a week.

Of course, there are shakes and pills available, if you can't stomach the oil in a drink format. There is something for everyone, so no one is exempt from this baby. x

Buying essential oils

The world of essential oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest essential oils, you can buy them directly from me.

It’s always best to purchase essential oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information. 

Oily workshops

I run essential oil workshops, which can be done face to face, on Zoom or online, for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of essential oils and the best ways to use them in your life. Please contact me directly for more information or to book.