The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - Lady Lavender, Queen of Healing & Peace

This fem and most refined lady, which has been a true love of mine for decades, deserves your homage. 

Granny Rep

Somehow, Lavender gained an undeserved rep for being a 'granny' thang, a distasteful insult to both parties?!

I can remember, as a young teenager, choosing to inherit a bucket load of lavender smelling toiletries upon the death of my Grandmother; didn't every one have at least one lavender talc'd gran?

FYI, talc is now being regarded as an evil toxin. 

Unfortunately, this royal being has fallen far from grace, another of modern Life's anomalies and needs to be returned to her throne and here is why...

Ancient Provenance

Usage of Lavender essential oil goes back for thousands of years, evidence for which can be found in the ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek cultures. In our own, we have proof of use in hospitals during WW1. But where has that knowledge disappeared too?

And, you can easily buy lavender essential oil at the Supermarket, a clear indication of her popularity and acceptance. But medicinal claims she cannot make, instructions she doesn't come with and proof of grade, ingredients and purity are lacking.

In short, how and why lavender essential oil could and should be used, is lost.....

German Recognition

Interestingly, on the continent, the German scientific committee on traditional medicineCommission E, reported using Lavender for restlessness or insomniaRoehmheld's syndrome, intestinal discomfort, and cardiovascular diseases, among others. (Thanks Wiki) 

Good to know Lavender essential oil’s importance is redeveloping somewhere near here...

Lavender essential oil is good For

I know lavender essential oil for her instant calm, her gift of deep sleep, her skills with taking the burn out of burns, the sting out of bites, the flees away from the cat. 

I put lavender essential oil on our skin to get rid of bruises and scars, to relieve tummy aches, on the roof of mouths when anybody is losing it, on clothes as perfume to calm anxieties, and in my warm water drinks and cocktails.

Lavender essential oil is the ONLY Essential Oil considered safe to use undiluted on skin. Though with children, I recommend always using a carrier to dilute, for just in case or until you know they are not 'reacting'.

Spiritual Blessing

Spiritually, lavender’s colour purple, denotes the colour of the crown chakra, hence her regal title.

This 7th energy centre, which is located above and at the top of your brain, is associated with higher purpose and spiritual connectivity. This is where the highest vibrations in your physical body take place. Thus in healing terms, Lavender essential oil helps us to raise our vibrations to facilitate the easiest path to healing.

I like lavender essential oils for the heart and sacral chakras too, so I like to include lavender essential oil in the chakra protection blends I create.

Always with Me

I never leave the house without lavender essential oil, carrying her with me on my vial key chain, because every outing with my hypermobile kids involves at least a couple of accidents!

Botanical Facts

Lavender’s provenance, this bee worshipped flower 'Lavandula', is part of the mint family. 

Lavender is from the Old World and can be found growing from Cape Verde, the Canary Islands, Europe across to northern and eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, southwest Asia, China to southeast India.

There are around 47 different varieties of Lavender, with varying medicinal benefits.

She Represents

Her floral meanings are, Purity, Silence, Devotion, Caution, Serenity, Grace, Calmness

Buying Essential Oils

The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest Essential Oils, you can buy them directly from my shop.

It’s always best to purchase Essential Oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information. 

Oily Workshops

I run workshops, which can be done online, for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of Essential Oils and the best ways to use them in your life.