The Oily Witch

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Wellbeing - How to improve Focus at school using essential oils

Wellbeing - How to improve focus at school using essential oils

How to minimise Homework or ANY Learning grief

Homework Pressure

When my daughter started school I felt quite aggrieved about her being given homework. To me, the learning she had to do at school was more than enough and I felt all her spare time should be hers to do as she pleased; ideally in unstructured play. Homework is an unavoidable part of school life and this blog will address how you can use essential oils to improve focus in school.

Unanticipated benefits of homework

However, I hadn't accounted for a few fundamental facts that would challenge my views. A) I'd given birth to a child who loves learning?!, B) I found it a good way to keep up with what she was learning and it made me devote some time to just 'us', and finally, C) My responsible nature meant I couldn't ignore the obligation in practice...I am actually a total law-abiding square at heart!

Reality strikes

Just before you are misled into thinking, what a lucky bitch I am for having birthed a child who loves to learn... I have to admit her love for homework only lasted during Reception, by Year 1 it had all become, and remains, a tedious chore for us to argue about. However, by this time Homework was a well established practice and no longer a debatable extra.

And just to demonstrate I am as up against it as everyone else, my second child has no such compulsion for learning. He especially struggles with reading, and will employ a whole arsenal of avoidance tactics. He managed to orchestrate the entire Summer holiday in this manner and it was literally the week before he was due back, that my husband and I realised he had forgotten how to read!

Homework Advice

Now I have painted you a picture of the challenges we face, to create a calm, conducive, learning environs, I will share with you how I use essential oils to support my efforts and improve their focus. 

Essential oil support

The best weapons in my artillery are my essential oils. I happen to sell them so I have them to hand, don't worry I can sell them to you as well if you are interested ;-D.

As my kids are little, I have to be careful how I apply them. The essential oils I use, are the purest you can buy, so are uber potent.

Diffusing is safest

Thus, I use my diffuser, you should never use essential oils in an oil burner because the heat will destroy all the therapeutic properties, much like with virgin olive oil when cooking.

I put it on before I pick them up from school, this way when they get home it not only smells great, it immediately calms and grounds them; it's quite safe to leave a diffuser on as long as it has enough water in it, most have timers so go off automatically.

Read more about Diffusing here

Natural potions

It takes 30 seconds for the essential oils to hit their blood streams and 20 minutes to penetrate their cells. Essentials oils are an ancient medicinal practice that has been largely lost to us with the advent of modern science, which was roughly 500 years ago! They work with the body’s own immune system, helping it to work better.

Creating a Focussed Environment

To create a calm but focused learning ambience, I make up a mixture within my diffuser; a drop of Peppermint Essential Oil to re-energise and ground everyone (1 drop = 28 cups of mint tea), 2 drops of On-Guard essential oil (this is a blend of wild orange peel, clove bud, cinnamon bark/leaf, eucalyptus leaf, rosemary leaf/flower), this mix helps to stave off seasonal threats, whilst is a mood uplifter and helps with focus.

You can just use Wild Orange essential oil instead of On-Guard as a mood enhancer...I just like to zap seasonal threats at the same time.

Combating Tiredness

When I am met with extreme tiredness, I do mix 1 drop (it's ridiculously powerful) of Peppermint Essential Oil with my carrier oil (coconut) and get the child to inhale it from my fingers and then dab it on their pulse points and back of head. Peppermint is a caffeine replacement, so it gives a big energy kick.

Or, you can add a drop to warm water to drink, because when ingested, it promotes healthy respiratory function, clear breathing and great digestive health; remember we now know most of our intelligence comes from our guts!

Managing Moods

On the occasions the moodiness knows no bounds, I use Lavender Essential oil to calm. Again I use a carrier oil because my kids are young, and get them to inhale and rub it on their pulse points.

Tried and Tested

And if you don't believe me, check out this kid Fallon, who carried out her own study on how effective essential oils were on learning...

A New Approach

I appreciate essential oils maybe an entirely new approach for some of you, but I am sure not for all. I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog and now feel empowered to use these natural remedies to boost or improve your focus.

Buying Essential Oils

The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest Essential Oils, Contact me to buy essential oils.

It’s always best to purchase Essential Oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information. 

Oily Workshops

I run workshops, which can be done on Zoom or face to face, for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of Essential Oils and the best ways to use them in your life. You can also buy my workshops rerecorded online here.