The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - Using Essential Oils to treat Dandruff

Physical Wellbeing - Using Essential Oils to treat Dandruff

This blog will address the flaky elephant in the room and tell you how you can use essential oils to treat dandruff, hopefully eliminating it. However, with any skin condition, you need to treat internally as well as externally to really see it heal.

What is Dandruff?

So, what causes this unsightly condition, a naughty little microbe called Malassezia Globosa, doesn't that just roll off the tongue!

This little fungus exists on nearly all warm-blooded creatures, you may have noticed it on your pet? It feeds off the sebum your skin naturally produces, and bio-transforms it into oleic acid. 

Dandruff Causation

It turns out that 50% of us are allergic to this bi-product, our bodies respond by going into skin cell production and shedding over-drive, so the dead skin cells become the dandruff.

Alongside the snowy look, in irritated response, we can experience itchiness, dryness, inflammation and a red scalp. Delightful!

Basically, like an adult cradle cap but with an itch.... And you can get beard dandruff!

What Makes it Worse?

If you suffer this atrocity, it is also exacerbated by seasonal change, pollution, toxins, heat and sweat... Nice! All a bit challenging to avoid really.

What Can You Do?

What you can do to keep this little horror in check, is add essential oils to your shampoo.

For this, you'd want Melaleuca (Tea Tree) to knock it back and degrease, Lavender to soothe and Peppermint to reduce inflammation and cool.

All three are antibacterial, and we're talking 5 drops of each max to a full bottle..... Less is more with these potent witches.

And, give you hair a final rinse in the coldest water you can bare, that helps to close the cuticles and seal in moisture.

When it's Really Sore

For really bad and sore attacks, put those three oils into some Fractionated Coconut carrier oil, this is also antibacterial, and give yourself a gentle scalp massage before bed... You can wash it out in the morning.

Or use this mix as a wonderfully scented beard oil. One of the tips for dandruff, is to keep your scalp as clean as you can, so the sebum can't build up too much.

Things You Need to Stop

Stop ironing your hair with straighteners to within an inch of its life.... love the hair you've got!

Turn down the heat on the hairdryer too, you need to take the burn out of everything within your power.

Dandruff ruins our skin’s natural moisture barrier, so all our essential moisture leaks out making our scalps dry and tight.

Try to stop stressing - Ha! That's not a very easy suggestion, so look into healthy ways to manage the freak outs... Like a healthy diet with the right mix of protein, iron, essential fatty acids, and other nutrients.

Your hair, like the rest of you, needs these ingredients to be at its best. You can buy the essential oils or excellent supplements from me.

Final word

If dandruff is the bane of your life and you’d like some help treating it, I recommend booking yourself in for a bespoke consultation with me, I will be able to establish what is causing your dandruff and which natural remedies will work for you.

Buying Essential Oils

The world of essential oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest essential oils, you can buy them directly from me.

It’s always best to purchase essential oils from someone you can trust, who knows what they’re talking about and can be contacted for additional information. 

Oily Workshops

I run essential oil workshops, which can be done on Zoom or face to face, for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of essential oils and the best ways to use them in your life. I’ve created a series of online essential oil workshops, which you can find out about here.