The Oily Witch

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Physical Wellbeing - Using Essential Oils to manage Covid

Physical Wellbeing - Using Essential Oils to manage Covid

Actually, this blog will cover a lot more than just using essential oils to manage Covid but in order to make the title snappy I had to go with it. I will also cover using vitamins and tissue salts for Covid recovery.

And, I’d just like to say that this is my journey through Covid, any of the tips I share do not come with guarantees that they will work for you. As I endlessly spout, we’re all different and what’s going to work for us involves complex understanding of our personal health and wellbeing, which you can get from wellbeing specialists like myself.

Covid symptoms fallout

For me, the worst fall out from Covid is the loss of your sense of smell and taste, pushing you into sensory deprivation and darkness. As an aromatherapist, not being able to smell is not only a professional catastrophe but physical torture. Not being able to taste anything is not quite as bad but further reduces the joy in life for a sensual eater like me.

Add to this the soul separation, yes I felt physically separated from my spiritual self and filled to the brim with seething anger. Being a very spiritual person, this was deeply disturbing and depressing and made my covid experience akin to a journey through Hades! I couldn’t make myself do anything about it either, I was locked inside a dark torture chamber in my head where the narrative was bleak and harsh. It felt very man made!

My covid virus attacked my weakest points, which it does with all of us, my digestive system and joints. In the beginning I had so much pain in my lower back and hips I was fantasising about just being a torso; I really wanted to cut my lower body off. Accompanying this I had a regular headaches. The pain made sleep impossible, there was no escape.

In the beginning and for a lot of my covid experience, sleep was elusive, I was too wired to sleep, too full of ire and or pain. My sympathetic nervous system was definitely primed and ruling the show. Which is why I knew I needed to eat to encourage my parasympathetic nervous system to step up and let me recover .

But at the same time, I felt nauseous and simultaneously hungry, a really fucked up version of Norovirus. I couldn’t really eat and by not eating I felt worse and got weaker. When I did eat, which took most of the day to built up too, I would be sick in the middle of the night and only then could I sleep before the torture began again with my guts churning and twisting.

I developed a temperature halfway through, which was a positive sign my body was fighting back but meant waking up absolutely soaking and cold. This increased temperature removed any enjoyment I normally got from hot baths, I simply couldn’t stand them. This put me in a weird position, I knew a hot salty bath would draw out necessary toxins but also made me feel so much worse so I couldn’t face them regularly.

I’ve had a cold through out, but for most of it I couldn’t get to the poisonous parts, they felt buried too deeply inside. Indeed, they are only slowly leaving now at day nineteen!!!

I’ll admit, at times my covid journey was so bad I would have done anything to stop the pain, depression, nausea. I really got why people decide to get vaccinated afterwards, anything to avoid a repeat experience. However, as we know, vaccination does not guarantee immunity and there really is nothing as strong as your natural immune system created from the actual covid virus itself.

The turning point for me was my Mother bringing some home cooked food and me being able to eat it, my guts suddently stopped twisting and I knew the worst was over; thank heavens for mum’s mash potato! From then on in I made sure I ate regularly and this allowed me to sleep and begin to recover. In fact, I’ve been so hungry I’ve rapidly replaced all the weight I lost!

Using essential oils to manage Covid

Throughout my covid experience you won’t be surprised to know I relied heavily upon essential oils; as if I’d do anything else! In my diffuser, which I used every time I went to bed, I used Lemon and Peppermint essential oils. Lemon essential oil is a powerful cleansing agent, ideal for purifying the air around me and inside me. Peppermint essential oil is an oxygenator and powerful anti inflammatory, helping me to breathe and reduce the swelling of my sinuses. Never once did my oxygen levels drop to dangerous levels and I know this is down to these two essential oils.

At the height of my fever stage, I rubbed both of these oils into my body moisturising cream and applied them to my chest and back. They provided additional assistance in making me feel cooler without actually reducing my temperature and made my lungs feel cleaner.

I make no secret of the fact that I drink essential oils daily as part of my wellbeing routine, they help mitigate some of the crap in the tap water. I continued this practice through out my covid journey, exchanging lemon more laterly with detoxing grapefruit, which is also good for heart health. Both of these oils are excellent for digestive complaints and I believe are the reason I won’t have any lasting damage from this nasty man made virus.

During the worst part of my Covid journey, I made up gel caps of Oregano and Thyme essential oils to blast the virus from my system. Again, I have faith that they stopped any further infection and prevented my covid journey from worsening.

Despite losing my sense of taste and smell, I could still feel the essential oils working on my nasal passages and oesophagus, especially the peppermint essential oil.

In the beginning with the intensitive joint pain, I relied upon my doTerra Past Times roller ball. This blend has all of the pain essential oils and coriander, which I really respond too. At one point, I was rubbing it all over my body and head, anything to try to reduce the pain. There were times when I had to use paracetamol as well, I haven’t used pain medication in years, but it got that bad. I tell you this to manage your expectation.

Using vitamin therapy to manage Covid

I take a lot of vitamins to keep well, when covid struck I simply increased my dosages. There were times, especially in the depths of my nausea when I thought I couldn’t continue, you really need to eat with most vitamins, I then resorted to dissolvable vitamin C tablets to wash everything down with. I actually developed quite a craving for them, along with marmalade?!

Useful vitamins for managing covid include vitamin C, which is known as the C for cureall. Vitamin C is anti inflammatory, antihistamine, antioxidant and a massive energy giver. This I take and took in massive quantities, I’m talking maybe 15000mg a day.

Zinc, which you need for sense of smell and taste and to help you to fight off colds and flu. There is a lot of research out there into prowess of Zinc, I increased my dosage until I was taking around five 15mg tablets per day.

With vitamins, it really is all about regular dosing and not doing massive quantities in one go, which will see your body getting rid of them or putting your organs under pressure.

Vitamin D3, I needed this for my digestive issues and so increased my dosage to five capsules a day.

Vitamin E, this is the vitamin for heart and vein health. I forgot to take it for a couple of days and boy did it make me feel rough. I take and took this about four times a day, its excellent for skincare too.

Vitamin B3, aka Niacin or Nicotinamide if you don’t want the lovely flush, as well as taking my normal three per day I took a Niacin everytime I felt my emotional darkness needed lightening. This vitamin encourages the parasympathetic nervous system, so you feel an immediate sense of calm and balance, which was much needed in the dark head times.

Probiotics, I normally take one a day but increased this to two in the worst gastric bits and am still doing this. I make my own sauerkraut, which I could taste, so I also ate this everytime I could face it. Remember how important gut health is to wellbeing and immunity.

Quercetin, a friend of mine reminded me of this and recommended I take it. As soon as I started I noticed an improvement in how I felt. I have been taking this three times a day.

I take other vitamins too, but these are the ones I relied upon heavily to get me through my Covid journey. Oh, I did take more magnesium citrate when my joints were agony.

Using tissue salts to manage Covid

I am relatively new to tissue salts, I wrote about them recently in case you don’t know to what I am referring. I normally take calc fluor, calc phos, ferrum phos, mag phos and silica in one tablet a couple of times a day. I significantly increased my dosage to four tablets three times a day.

I determined I needed all of those tissue salts from my birth chart and when I take them I can feel the difference in my body. The more in touch you are with your physical self the more you can notice the impact of supplements and other natural remedies.

What I couldn’t face on my Covid journey

I am a great believer in herbal infusions to create healing teas and quite a whizz at making delicious blends but during this entire covid experience I have been unable to face any hot drinks. I have tried to drink them cold, which has worked to some degree but on the whole I just didn’t want to. This made me quite sad as I know how powerful and healing these herbs are but when you’re that ill you can only manage what you can face. The only hot drink I’ve managed to keep up with is my dandelion root coffee, which is bitter and excellent for digestive health.

And, as I’ve already mentioned, hot baths and I am still struggling slightly with them. Normally, I enjoy a hot bath three or four times a week but during Covid this went right down to once or twice because they left me feeling so rough. I showered twice a day, which is normal for me, this helped to remove all the sweaty toxins from the night before and keep some routine in my day. As an earthy creature, I benefit from routines, they help me to get through difficult patches.

End of my covid journey

I hope I am now at the end of my cruise through covid hell. I’ve avoided hospitalisation and hopefully any lasting damage and I put this down to using all of my natural remedies to boost my body’s ability to fight this evil battle. I’m still recovering, this takes time and taking shortcuts is not worth it if you wish to avoid further complications, sleep and food are my friends. If you do find yourself similarly afflicted, please know there are natural options available that won’t cost your body to use.

How I can help you

If you’d like your medical astrology, aka birth plan, read so you gain a deeper understanding of your individual health system and what natural remedies are likely to work for you, you can book or find our more information here.

Believe me when I say I am quite vulnerable to illness for many good reasons, which you can read about here, and if I survived this you can!

If you’d like to learn about essential oils from you, you can either do a course with me or take one of my pre-recorded courses.