The Oily Witch

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The benefits of using Essential Oils on Children

Pre-mixed Child Safe Essential Oils Range

The benefits of using Essential Oils on Children

Children love essential oils

Children, typically, respond very well to essential oils, loving the smells. This blog will address the many benefits of using essential oils on children and how essential oils offer a quick, natural way to support their mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. I will also talk about how to use essential oils safely on children.

Using essential oils safely on children

Essential oils are themselves very potent, the higher the grade the stronger they are. Children have thinner more delicate skin, so the essential oil dosages needed to be adjusted accordingly with more carrier oil needed. The safest way to apply essential oils on children is to use professionally pre-blended essential oils. This removes any stress and concern that you may have about using them on your precious love ones. 

I recommend you only let sensible children keep any essential oils within easy reach, this can be down to personality rather than age. Not just for safety but because they are a precious resource which can be expensive and kids do like to slather themselves in these gorgeous elixirs.

The Kid’s Range of essential oils

doTerra have come up with a clever way to sort this for you. They’ve created a little swag bag of pre-blended essential oil magic giving you exactly what you need to keep your children safe, happy and grounded. This is great if you have your own children or are responsible for looking after children in a professional capacity.

Green home First Aid Kit

Obviously, I am going to advocate that every family household would benefit from having access to such natural, effective essential oil remedies. From toddler tantrums to teenage hormones, they can help make it that bit easier to endure. And they’re not age specific, you can use them from baby upwards. 

The miracle solution

This essential oil kid’s range kit is ideal for anyone with sensory children, anxious children, sensitive children, depressed children, angry children and basically any child. This is a natural way to support your child with their entire wellbeing, for essential oils effect mind, body and soul.

What’s in the Kid’s Range?

Need to feel brave?

First up, we have Brave, composed of Wild Orange, Amyris, Osmanthus, and Cinnamon in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. It’s a warm citrus, slightly spicy smell.

Aptly named, it’s an energising gentle wake up, making you feel positive and able to face your fears. Thus ideal for first times, playground politics, sports matches and anything else that brings on anxious feelings. 

Need to calm down

Next, we have Calmer, which you can get from this blend of Lavender, Cananga, Buddha Wood, and Roman Chamomile essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. This has a floral, woody scent.

This is the one you need to induce peaceful sleep….. Or to calm everyone right back down! It soothes and relaxes, ideal for those kids who face bedtime with fear or have anger management issues.

Rescue yourself

We have Rescue, to soothe those tired legs or wired minds! We use this for accidents, to remove the fear and tension or for when I am not there to kiss them better and they need to pull it together themselves. Both my kids have Joint Hyper Mobility Syndrome, this means accidents are a regular part of the day!

It’s a mix of Copaiba, Lavender, Spearmint, and Zanthoxylum essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. It smells woody, minty and floral. 

Steady those nerves

Then there is Steady, when your kid needs to make like a tree and escape feelings of being overwhelmed, stressed or anxious. This grounding blend is comprised of Amyris, Balsam Fir, Coriander, and Magnolia and Fractioned Coconut Oil. The smell is soft, warm and slightly fruity.

Find Your Strength

After that, Stronger, who doesn’t need to feel stronger from time to time these days! This combination of Cedarwood, Litsea, Frankincense, and Rose in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil creates just that. The aroma is positive, invigorating and loving.

It makes you feel grounded, loved and alive, and additionally gives you clear and healthy skin! Perfect for occasional skin irritations, perhaps brought on by stress! This is a ‘can do’ blend, ideal for making things happen.

Need to think

And finally, we have Thinker, for those seeking or needing the power of clear focus. The perfect blend of Vetiver, Peppermint, Clementine, and Rosemary in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil brings clarity, concentration and alertness. The smell is earthy, minty and sweet.

This is the one you want if you want to take those ants out of their pants, get them to finish that jigsaw puzzle, piece of homework or do the best they can in that test/exam. 

All together with instructions

God, just writing this stuff for you reminds me how bloody excellent these essential oils are… I could do with using them on myself! 

They come in a handy wipe down white zip up bag, complete with a very simple child friendly brightly coloured user guide.

For school and home

We take one kid’s essential oil range bag to school and keep it in the school office so the kids can help themselves when they need them. And keep one at home to deal with those challenging moments, that still occur daily! 

Sometimes, they each come with a handy toggle, one is selected to be the companion for the day. It’s the kids choice, whatever they want and need, and they select by the smell they prefer.

That’s how essential oils work, you use your nose to select what you need!

Buying essential oils

The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

They are extremely versatile and magical, so what appears expensive in the first instance is actually very cheap. I’ve done the research for you, I sell the very best, purest essential oils, you can buy them directly from me just email me what you need.

It’s always best to purchase essential oils from a qualified aromatherapist like me, I am accountable and available for guidance.

Essential oil workshops

I run a comprehensive range of essential oil workshops for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of essential oils. I can run the workshop either on Zoom or face to face, whatever is possible or your preference. Or, you can enjoy my courses online.

Useful info about essential oils

Read my blog on Understanding Essential Oils
To understand how to Diffuse read How to Diffuse essential oils
Learn How can I treat anxiety naturally without medication