The Oily Witch

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Mental Wellbeing - How can I treat anxiety naturally without medication

Mental Wellbeing - How can I treat anxiety naturally without medication

I am going to tell you how you can treat anxiety naturally without medication. Yes I will be recommending plant medicines but this is entirely natural and comes free from side effects. I promise you these natural remedies are very effective and long lasting.

Panic Onslaught

I am not sure what's occurring energetically for me, but the most common ailment I seem to be treating for is anxious feelings, my own and that of everyone else. Like attracts Like?

Panic Definition

And, just to get us all on the same page in regard to what emotion I am referring to, the definition reads as 'a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.' (Cheers Google Dictionary)

New to Panic

I never thought I suffered from panic! I am quicker to anger than worry.  And, I'd never had a panic attack....don't worry I've had one now!

I was seeing myself more as a lion than a mouse. I now recognise that a shouty hissy fit, is just another type of anxiety. Panic is not just an affliction for the meek and can happen to us all!

The Writing on the Menopause Wall

I can distinctly recall a conversation with my mother and sister-in-law, where they both claimed suffrage exacerbated by menopause and me denying any relation.

Ha! I now get it in spades, regular geyser like temper eruptions are the first sign I know I've got it, the second a delightful hot sweat....Yup no fainting fear for me, just pure unadulterated, often misplaced, rage?! A bit of a cover up job...

Everything Triggers

These days, my memory is shot to shit and therefore totally unreliable as a source, I find too many things make me feel anxious. Quite ridiculous things to!

So, I have to spend time, once I've picked everyone off the ceiling where I've blasted them to...or not, depending on my residual anger, talking myself down?!

Uncovering the Hidden Sources

Weeding through the detritus, to establish the cause and then take myself through a Bryon Katie type line of inquiry, so I can calm the fuck down and get some perspective.

*My God if you haven't read her book, Loving What is, do's excellent for perspective and balance in Life!

Expensive Self-Destruction

Not only is this behaviour expensively destructive, it's unwelcome and getting in my way! I feel like I'm riding one of those crazy rodeo bull rides, that you, well me, can only manage to hang on for about 5 seconds before I get flung off! I reckon I look permanently and publicly stressed, which is giving me more lines and thank you! (I'm now having to oil those away too)

How to Treat Anxiety Naturally

So, how I am treating this unwelcome a fiery, redheaded, control freak very much uncomfortable with 'out of control'....? 

This, is what I have found works so far in my essentially oily journey. Essential Oils are like everything, some will suit some will not, it's all down to what smell works for you. Yup it is as simple as that, rely on your olfactory system to know what's going to work for you or what you need at that point. Things change, nothing is constant.

Mini Vlog on Oil for Anxiety

Heavy Duty Panic Attack Treatment

For really heavy-duty hissy fits, I put a drop of Lavender Essential Oil on the roof of my mouth; please remember my oils are pure enough for internal use and only 1% of those available are, so you really need to know before you try this.

This brings the battle screams in my head to an immediate calm. I also rub a drop on my palms and cover my nose with my hands and inhale deeply....and then rub on the back of my neck and sinus points.

As far as I am concerned, there is never enough Lavender Essential Oil in my life. This, works well on pulse points too and is regularly diffused all over my house. Read more about Lady Lavender here (Whoops, contact me for me to send it to you direct)

Calming Kids

When my kids, which is currently daily, lose it and start fighting, I get them to inhale it from my palms and use with a carrier oil to rub into the soles of their feet.

My eldest can't get enough of a foot rub, so this type of contact in itself is a calmente...apparently this is an Italian word for soothing, for me it should be English and I am making it thus.

Wild Orange Essential Oil for Anxiety

Wild Orange Essential Oil, works well with the Lavender or by itself for some in controlling their feelings of anxiousness, especially children....not me, I hate it! 

 Wild Orange can be diffused in a cold diffuser, (never use an oil burner because it destroys the medicinal properties), inhaled, applied topically or used in food....salad dressing, chocolates, cakes...

Peppermint Essential Oil for Grounding

I've found Peppermint to have a similarly calming effect, whilst uplifting it can rid you of any associated tension headaches and makes you feel real good. Direct palm inhalation for this one.... Read more about Peppermint Essential Oil Benefits here (Oh Whoops, you will now need to contact me direct to get emailed this)

Rose Essential Oil for Feelings of Love

And finally, Rose promotes self-love, the emotional not physical type, and when diffused can bring some love back into the room and calm everyone the fuck backdown.

I use a carrier to rub this into the skin above the heart, especially when the panic is accompanied by tears, which is often the case with the kids.

Fortuitously, there is a special kit for kids, where the oils are already mixed to the correct concentrate with carriers. Read more about using Essential Oils on Children here.

Mini Vlog on Rose Oil’s many benefits for the heart.

Wellness Consultations

Book an appointment with me and let me establish what your triggers are and which oils and herbal remedies will treat your anxieties.

Buying Essential Oils

The world of Essential Oils is not equal, it is unregulated and only 8% of the ingredient needs to be present for it to be marketed as pure. This means that if you are thinking you’re getting an absolute bargain by paying next to nothing, which I used to think, you’re really not. 

Buy from me, a qualified aromatherapist and get proper advice and support.

Self Health Workshops

I run workshops, which can be done online, for anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of Essential Oils and the best ways to use them in your life.