The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the Bramble Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.10

Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the Bramble Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.10

The Bramble or Vine Moon

And now we find ourselves under the Bramble/Vine moon, this moon spans our final harvest from the 2nd until the 29th of September. Did you notice the full Pisces moon fell right on the 2nd this year? Giving us a lovely, dreamy opening to this lunar month.

Free Grapes

As a grower of grapes, I can confirm that they are now ripe and ready to be harvested. Grapes anyone?

Serious Mystery

This tenth moon, carries some controversy around its name, some believe the Romans imported grape vines to this island and it is actually the indigenous Bramble moon. As all my brambles have definitely gone over and as I have Italian heritage, I could stick with vine.

But, I do massively prefer brambles and they are a vine of sorts, certainly the Pagans referred to many things as vines.

Celtic Provenance

Amusingly, the celts referred to it as Muin, which sounds like moon but actually means thorn. In Gaelic, the blackberry is known as the prickle thorn, “dris-muine”. That makes sense to me!

They certainly loved vines, just look at their art, winding vines make regular appearances on their tapestries, writings, knot work and carvings.

Personal Choice

It is the Ogham letter M, and I am referring to it as the 10th letter but some have it down as the 11th. In reality, it really doesn’t matter what you chose to do, it’s entirely down to personal choice. As long as your worshipping the trees, I don’t think they will care either, they’ll just be grateful that someone’s noticed them!

Grapes of Wrath

Brambles of wrath doesn’t have quite the same ring to it! This moon is all about the balance between light and dark, passion and anger, as we know to expect with the Equinox.

Moon Powers

Given the nature of blackberries and vines, it should come as little surprise that the powers this moon conveys are protection, healing, joy, celebration, abundance and wealth.


Symbolically, this represents connection, eternity, and diversity, aka Rebirth and Reincarnation; Pretty much the same tenets as typical Harvest celebrations.


A watery, feminine moon time, over seen by the Goddess Brigid and planet Venus.


Those born under this moon are changeable and unpredictable, for they can see both sides, and often become the equalisers. They are charming, classy and often admired for their elegant style.

Practical Magic

This is a good time to set your goals and ambitions, the vine flourishes opportunistically and gains a foothold where ever it can. Go with the flow, or start as you mean to go on….keeping yourself in this space will allow the magic of the universe to flow to and from you.

Enjoy your garden in its final fling before Autumn and Winter strip it back to sleep.

Burn a small handful of dried blackberry leaves in a burning incense, or over a yellow, gold or green candle flame for wealth or treasure.

Make up a protection poppet or add some to your witch’s bottle.

Or, fashion yourself a wand of Vine, channel your inner Hermoine Granger!

Medicinal Healing

Brambles and grapes are full of anti-oxidants and vitamin C, therefore making an excellent choice to nourish and cleanse the blood from summer’s excesses and smoothly glide through the transition to Autumn’s cooler weather.

Hot blackberry juice is excellent for sore throats, coughs, colds and viruses.

Blackberries for breakfast ensure a well run constitution, with all those lovely little seeds giving a deep bowel workout and cleanse. Conversely their tannin content is helpful for those suffering the runs.

They are a natural source of salicylate, which is in modern day aspirin and relieves tissue inflammation. An age old remedy is to chew the leaves if you’re unlucky enough to have gum disease.

Random Tip

A very cold spell whilst the blackberries are in full flower (late June to July) is known as a Blackberry Winter. It foretells plenty of snow and ice later in the year, something we didn’t have this year!

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