The Oily Witch

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Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the Holly Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.8

Spiritual Wellbeing - Learn all about the Holly Moon - Celtic Tree Moon No.8

King Holly

We move under the Holly Moon on the 8th July , and here we shall remain until the 4th August. In the West, Mother Earth has ended her growth cycle and entered her harvesting and death phase, overseen by King Holly.

Lammas Ceremonial Tree

Indeed, Holly is the tree of the impending Sun Festival of Lammas on the 1st August, so decorate your altar with fresh holly or simply notice and connect with him, wishing him well for this rule.


This evergreen regent, is a symbol of peace, goodwill, truth, love, sacrifice and reincarnation. His all year round healing green leaves and love-heart-red berries, ardent reminders of the ceaseless renewal of Mother Nature.

The Tinne Man

The celts made Holly a man for his energy and firmness, calling him Tinne, pronounced chihnn-uh. He was both used as a weapon and protector, with his sharpened spikes and rigid structure. His planets are Mars and Saturn, the god of war and the god of structure and rules.

He has many other folk names, you may be acquainted with some, Aquifolius, Bat's Wings, Christ's Thorn and Holy Tree.

The 8th Moon

8 is a lucky number for the Chinese, I hope it spreads some joy for us all under this protective moon! Yes Holly is all about protection, which can’t be a surprise given his defensive countenance. He repels lightning, unlike his fellow Oak King who draws it, which is why you frequently find him planted next by the front door and in church yards.

Sacred Decoration

His protection is requested when we fashion our Yule wreaths, decorate our hearths, mantle pieces and or tables with him and his red berries. Usually, he is married with Ivy, his female counterpart. And, when we burn our Yule creations at Imbolc, it’s good practice to save a sprig to keep you safe for the remainder of the year.

Holy Holly

The so called ‘Holy Water’ in Church fonts owes its origins to Holly, from whence it was exactly that and perhaps it still secretly is. To make it, Holly leaves are soaked overnight in fresh spring water under a full moon. This encourages the Holly’s dryad to bless the water, go back to my first Celtic Tree Moon blog where I explain what these are.

Holly’s Elements

You won’t be surprised to learn his colour is red, element is fire and stone the ruby or bloodstone.

Medicinal Holly

Traditionally, holly leaves have been used for making infusions to treat fevers, rheumatism, lung conditions and smallpox. Hot compresses were made from both the leaves and the bark to ease musculoskeletal pain.

Today, tea from the leaves is still enjoyed in the Black Forest and Brazil, the latter being called Paraguayan Tea aka Yerba Mate. I grew up with this stuff, I never knew that it came from the Holly plant!

Born Under a Holly Moon

You are a natural leader drawn to powerful roles, happy to meet challenges head on. Some may experience you as arrogant but you are actually kind and generous and your confidence is well earned.

Looking for Spiritual Inspiration

If you need or wish to cleanse your space, make some Holly Water and sprinkle it around visualising it purifying any negative energy and putting a red protective ring around it.

Essential Oil Guidance

For this, I refer you to my blog on Oils for Spiritual Protection.Holistic wellbeing offer

In support of your spiritual nourishment and holistic wellbeing, I have created a Bespoke Guide to take you through all that I can offer you as a Celtic Witch, Medical Intuitive, Aromatherapist and Medical Astrologist.

Further sources

For those seeking more, check this lovely website out, she’s put together a more spiritual breakdown of Holly.